Carpe Diem, latin for “Seize the day!”, is an expression that sums up the ethos of our company’s culture and how we live life personally. We believe we were created with a purpose, with a finite number of days on this planet, and we are going to live them out to the fullest. That means we are going to try and live every day like it is our last, to enjoy the interactions we have with our clients, friends, and families….and to leave every person we meet with an encouraging word and a God-ward thought. For us, this is what it means to “Seize the day!”
The last forty years has brought us through years of learning all aspects of buildings. From new construction to inspecting the one hundred and thirty five year old Chouteau house of the original founders of St. Louis. Homes that were worth $25,000.00 to homes that were worth more than $5,000,000.00.